Single Malt Whisky
Amrut Fusion
638.00  ex.moms
86373 - BS
"East meets west".
En lätt rökig Single Malt.
Whiskyn är gjord på 25% rökig malt från Skottland och 75% orökt malt från Punjab.
Av Jim Murray ansedd som världens tredje bästa whisky i världen 2009, i hans Whisky Bible!

Tasting notes from the Distillery:
"Nose: Heavy, thickly oaked and complex: some curious barley-sugar notes here shrouded in soft smoke. Bigg, but seductively gentle,too..

Taste: The delivery, though controlled at first, is massive! Then more like con-fusion as that smoke on the nose turns into warming, full blown peat, but it far from gets its own way as a vauge sherry trifle note (curious, seeing how there are no sherry butts involved) – the custard presumably is oaky vanilla – hammers home that barley – fruitiness to makefor a bit of free-for-all but for extra food measure the flavours develop into a really intense chocolate fudge middle which absolute resonates through the palate.

Finish: A slight struggle here as the mouthfeel gets a bit puffy here with the dry peat and oak; enough molassed sweetness to see the malt through to a satisfying end, tough. Above all the spices, rather than lying down and accepting their fate, rise up and usher this extraordinary whisky to its exit."

Nose: Heavy, thickly oaked and complex: some curious barley-sugar notes here shrouded in soft smoke. Bigg, but seductively gentle,too.

Taste: The delivery, though controlled at first, is massive! Then more like con-fusion as that smoke on the nose turns into warming, full blown peat, but it far from gets its own way as a vauge sherry trifle note (curious, seeing how there are no sherry butts involved) – the custard presumably is oaky vanilla – hammers home that barley – fruitiness to makefor a bit of free-for-all but for extra food measure the flavours develop into a really intense chocolate fudge middle which absolute resonates through the palate.

Finish: A slight struggle here as the mouthfeel gets a bit puffy here with the dry peat and oak; enough molassed sweetness to see the malt through to a satisfying end, tough. Above all the spices, rather than lying down and accepting their fate, rise up and usher this extraordinary whisky to its exit.
Det i Bangalore baserade Amrut Distilleries Ltd har under lång tid producerat whisky for den inhemska marknaden. I början av 2000-talet började man exportera sin Single Malt till England och den vart snabbt mycket uppskattad. Som andra land utanför Indien kom Sverige!
Denna Single Malt Whisky är gjord av korn, som odlats vid foten av Himalayas höjder och sedan destillerad och lagrad i det tropiska klimatet i Bangalore.
De rika korn skördarna från Punjab och Rajasthan i kombination med det tropiska klimatet och läget i Bangalore 1000 meter över havet skapar en whisky med smak och doft av frukt och choklad med kryddiga toner.

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