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Varugrupp: Single Malt Whisky

Whisky gjord enbart på malt från spannmål. Vanligtvis korn men även andra former av spannmål som kan mältas kan ingå. Den är destilleried i s.k. Pot Stills och, viktigast av allt; den kommerendast från ett destilleri.

Detta är aktuellt sortiment tillgänligt via Systembolaget eller direkt från vårt lager.
A Drop of The Irish 46.0%, 70cl
Blackadder Generic, Blackadder International
Single Malt Whisky - Ireland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 84985-01
1098 kr
A Highland Distillery 2008 12yo 48.0%, 70cl
Single Malts of Scotland, Elixir Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 55421-01
861 kr
A Highland Distillery - Ardlair 2010 11yo 48.0%, 70cl
Single Malts of Scotland, Elixir Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 59155-01
841 kr
A Lowland Distillery 2007 13yo 48.0%, 70cl
Single Malts of Scotland, Elixir Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Lowland
Nr: 55418-01
843 kr
A Secret Islay 2007-Nov 14yo 55.9%, 70cl
Maltman / Grainman, Meadowside Blending Co. Ltd.
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Islay
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 58746-01
1500 kr
A Speyside Distillery 2008 12yo 48.0%, 70cl
Single Malts of Scotland, Elixir Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Nr: 55414-01
881 kr
Aberlour 2011 11yo 47.5%, 70cl
Carn Mor, Morrison Scotch Whisky Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Nr: 53622-01
980 kr
Aberlour Rum Finish 2011 12yo 47.5%, 70cl
Carn Mor, Morrison Scotch Whisky Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Nr: 84989-01
1156 kr
Akashi Bourbon Cask 5yo 50.0%, 50cl
Akashi, White Oak
Single Malt Whisky - Japan
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 82697-02
1496 kr
Akashi Red Wine Cask 4yo 50.0%, 50cl
Akashi, White Oak
Single Malt Whisky - Japan
Nr: 51965-02
1596 kr
Akashi Sake Cask 3yo 50.0%, 50cl
Akashi, White Oak
Single Malt Whisky - Japan
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 80302-02
1187 kr
Akashi Sherry Cask 5yo 50.0%, 50cl
Akashi, White Oak
Single Malt Whisky - Japan
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 82425-02
1624 kr
Akashi Single Malt N/A 46.0%, 50cl
Akashi, White Oak
Single Malt Whisky - Japan
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 83349-02
1077 kr
Akashi White Wine Cask 4yo 50.0%, 50cl
Akashi, White Oak
Single Malt Whisky - Japan
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 51987-02
1621 kr
Allt-a-Bhainne 1996 23yo 50.2%, 70cl
Berrys Own Selection, Berry Bros & Rudd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Nr: 50986-01
2098 kr
Amrut 62.1%, 70cl
Blackadder Raw Cask, Blackadder International
Single Malt Whisky - India
Nr: 85435-01
1949 kr
Amrut Double Cask 3rd 46.0%, 70cl
Amrut , Amrut Distilleries Limited
Single Malt Whisky - India
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 84003-01
1695 kr
Amrut Fusion 50.0%, 70cl
Amrut , Amrut Distilleries Limited
Single Malt Whisky - India
Nr: 86373-01
798 kr
Amrut Greedy Angels 10yo 55.0%, 70cl
Amrut , Amrut Distilleries Limited
Single Malt Whisky - India
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 81809-01
6972 kr
Amrut Greedy Angels 12yo 60.0%, 70cl
Amrut , Amrut Distilleries Limited
Single Malt Whisky - India
Kan beställas via Systembolagets Privatimport (OBS: Priset kan skilja)
Nr: CB054081
15299 kr
Amrut Greedy Angels Peated Rum Finish 10yo 57.1%, 70cl
Amrut , Amrut Distilleries Limited
Single Malt Whisky - India
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 85879-01
8899 kr
Amrut Greedy Angels Peated Sherry Fin 10yo 60.0%, 70cl
Amrut , Amrut Distilleries Limited
Single Malt Whisky - India
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 83498-01
8898 kr
Amrut Intermediate Sherry Matured 57.1%, 70cl
Amrut , Amrut Distilleries Limited
Single Malt Whisky - India
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 85264-01
1632 kr
Amrut Kadhambam 50.0%, 70cl
Amrut , Amrut Distilleries Limited
Single Malt Whisky - India
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 81342-01
1427 kr
Amrut Kadhambam Batch 6 50.0%, 70cl
Amrut , Amrut Distilleries Limited
Single Malt Whisky - India
Kan beställas via Systembolagets Privatimport (OBS: Priset kan skilja)
Nr: CB054026
1398 kr
Amrut Little Greedy Angels 8yo 50.0%, 70cl
Amrut , Amrut Distilleries Limited
Single Malt Whisky - India
Kan beställas via Systembolagets Privatimport (OBS: Priset kan skilja)
Nr: CB054089
3746 kr
Amrut Master Distillers Reserve 2014-Jan 50.0%, 70cl
Amrut , Amrut Distilleries Limited
Single Malt Whisky - India
Nr: 85175-01
2359 kr
Amrut Naarangi 50.0%, 70cl
Amrut , Amrut Distilleries Limited
Single Malt Whisky - India
Nr: 84024-01
1323 kr
Amrut Peated 46.0%, 70cl
Amrut , Amrut Distilleries Limited
Single Malt Whisky - India
Nr: 85772-01
774 kr
Amrut Peated Port Pipe New Vibe 2015 60.0%, 70cl
Amrut , Amrut Distilleries Limited
Single Malt Whisky - India
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 85434-01
2987 kr
Amrut Peated Single Cask 2015 60.0%, 70cl
Amrut , Amrut Distilleries Limited
Single Malt Whisky - India
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 56302-01
1698 kr
Amrut Peated Single Cask Ex-Bourbon 2017 60.0%, 70cl
Amrut , Amrut Distilleries Limited
Single Malt Whisky - India
Kan beställas via Systembolagets Privatimport (OBS: Priset kan skilja)
Nr: CB054085
1781 kr
Amrut Peated Single Malt 62.8%, 70cl
Amrut , Amrut Distilleries Limited
Single Malt Whisky - India
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 84492-01
1052 kr
Amrut Port Pipe New Vibe 2014 60.0%, 70cl
Amrut , Amrut Distilleries Limited
Single Malt Whisky - India
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 85231-01
2987 kr
Amrut Port Pipe Peated 2013 60.0%, 70cl
Amrut , Amrut Distilleries Limited
Single Malt Whisky - India
Nr: 51623-01
2069 kr
Amrut Portonova 62.1%, 70cl
Amrut , Amrut Distilleries Limited
Single Malt Whisky - India
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 85717-01
1631 kr
Amrut Raj Igala 40.0%, 70cl
Amrut , Amrut Distilleries Limited
Single Malt Whisky - India
Nr: 87522-01
537 kr
Amrut Regular 46.0%, 70cl
Amrut , Amrut Distilleries Limited
Single Malt Whisky - India
Nr: 447-01
678 kr
Amrut Rye 50.0%, 70cl
Amrut , Amrut Distilleries Limited
Single Malt Whisky - India
Nr: 85545-01
1655 kr
Amrut Single Cask Ex-Bourbon 2014 60.0%, 70cl
Amrut , Amrut Distilleries Limited
Single Malt Whisky - India
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 51622-01
1651 kr
Amrut Single Cask Ex-Bourbon 2016 60.0%, 70cl
Amrut , Amrut Distilleries Limited
Single Malt Whisky - India
Kan beställas via Systembolagets Privatimport (OBS: Priset kan skilja)
Nr: CB054084
1591 kr
Amrut Single Cask Ex-Caroni 2014 60.0%, 70cl
Amrut , Amrut Distilleries Limited
Single Malt Whisky - India
Nr: CB054083
Amrut Single Cask Ex-Madeira 2017 60.0%, 70cl
Amrut , Amrut Distilleries Limited
Single Malt Whisky - India
Nr: CB054088
Amrut Single Cask Ex-Olorosso 2015 60.0%, 70cl
Amrut , Amrut Distilleries Limited
Single Malt Whisky - India
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 85172-01
1669 kr
Amrut Single Cask Ex-Sauternes 2017 60.0%, 70cl
Amrut , Amrut Distilleries Limited
Single Malt Whisky - India
Nr: CB054086
Amrut Single Cask New American Oak 2014 60.0%, 70cl
Amrut , Amrut Distilleries Limited
Single Malt Whisky - India
Nr: 51621-01
1628 kr
Amrut Single Malt Cask Strength 61.8%, 70cl
Amrut , Amrut Distilleries Limited
Single Malt Whisky - India
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 85914-01
932 kr
Amrut Single Olorosso Cask 2012-mar 60.0%, 70cl
Amrut , Amrut Distilleries Limited
Single Malt Whisky - India
Nr: 86972-01
1768 kr
Amrut Spectrum 004 50.0%, 70cl
Amrut , Amrut Distilleries Limited
Single Malt Whisky - India
Nr: 85592-01
1895 kr
Amrut Triparva 50.0%, 70cl
Amrut , Amrut Distilleries Limited
Single Malt Whisky - India
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 51625-01
1500 kr
Amrut Triple Distilled 2014-Dec 60.0%, 70cl
Amrut , Amrut Distilleries Limited
Single Malt Whisky - India
Kan beställas via Systembolagets Privatimport (OBS: Priset kan skilja)
Nr: CB054082
1851 kr
Amrut Two Continents Batch 4 46.0%, 70cl
Amrut , Amrut Distilleries Limited
Single Malt Whisky - India
Kan beställas via Systembolagets Privatimport (OBS: Priset kan skilja)
Nr: CB054090
1769 kr
An Orkney Distillery 2012 11yo 48.0%, 70cl
Single Malts of Scotland, Elixir Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Orkney
Nr: 85491-01
998 kr
Annandale 2015 8yo 57.2%, 70cl
A.D. Rattray, A D Rattray
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Lowland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 85911-01
1289 kr
Annandale (Defender) 8yo 52.9%, 70cl
Brave New Spirits, Brave New Spirits Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Lowland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 84901-01
1339 kr
Ardlair (Ardmore) Sherry Cask 2009 5yo 47.6%, 70cl
The Whisky Agency, Ehrlich Schneider Gbr
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 85490-01
1449 kr
Ardlair Rum Finish 2010 12yo 57.5%, 70cl
A.D. Rattray, A D Rattray
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Nr: 85397-01
1359 kr
Ardmore 2012 9yo 47.5%, 70cl
Carn Mor, Morrison Scotch Whisky Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 52663-01
860 kr
Ardmore 2011-07-04 12yo 57.5%, 70cl
Blackadder Raw Cask, Blackadder International
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 84982-01
1528 kr
Ardmore 2008-Jul 13yo 51.5%, 70cl
Maltman / Grainman, Meadowside Blending Co. Ltd.
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 55196-01
1080 kr
Ardmore 2010-maj 14yo 54.1%, 70cl
Maltman / Grainman, Meadowside Blending Co. Ltd.
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 84813-01
1358 kr
Ardmore 2013-12-12 8yo 59.4%, 70cl
A.D. Rattray, A D Rattray
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 58876-01
1052 kr
Ardmore 2013 10yo 58.8%, 70cl
A.D. Rattray, A D Rattray
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 84455-01
1168 kr
Ardmore 2009 13yo 48.0%, 70cl
Single Malts of Scotland, Elixir Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 85214-01
1028 kr
Ardmore 1998-05-27 25yo 51.1%, 70cl
Single Malts of Scotland, Elixir Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment
Nr: 84518-01
2328 kr
Ardmore 1998-05-27 24yo 53.2%, 70cl
Single Malts of Scotland, Elixir Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment
Nr: 84741-01
2348 kr
Ardmore 1997-10-23 25yo 52.0%, 70cl
Single Malts of Scotland, Elixir Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment
Nr: 84872-01
2338 kr
Ardmore 1997-10-23 24yo 51.7%, 70cl
Single Malts of Scotland, Elixir Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment
Nr: 84859-01
2338 kr
Ardmore 2009 55.2%, 70cl
Berrys Own Selection, Berry Bros & Rudd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 85180-01
1398 kr
Ardmore 2012 54.1%, 70cl
Berrys Own Selection, Berry Bros & Rudd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 85697-01
1248 kr
Ardmore 2010 13yo 56.6%, 70cl
The First Editions, Edition Spirits Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 85356-01
1448 kr
Ardmore 2009 9yo 43.0%, 70cl
Artist, La Maison de Whisky
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 83408-01
958 kr
Ardmore 2008 14yo 46.0%, 70cl
Hepburn's Choice, Langside Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment
Nr: 84226-01
1128 kr
Ardmore (Rise of the Ardphroaig Mutant) 10yo 55.9%, 70cl
Brave New Spirits, Brave New Spirits Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 84458-01
1198 kr
Ardmore 1st fill Bourbon 2009 13yo 47.5%, 70cl
Carn Mor, Morrison Scotch Whisky Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets tillfälliga sortiment.
Nr: 41330-01
800 kr
Ardmore Madeira Finish 2009 53.6%, 70cl
Berrys Own Selection, Berry Bros & Rudd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Nr: 85230-01
1448 kr
Ardmore Red Wine Finish 2013-09-09 9yo 56.2%, 70cl
A.D. Rattray, A D Rattray
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 55819-01
1218 kr
Ardmore Sherry Cask 2009 13yo 47.5%, 70cl
Carn Mor, Morrison Scotch Whisky Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Nr: 54043-01
1180 kr
Ardmore Sherry Cask 2016 7yo 61.1%, 70cl
Adelphi, Adelphi Distillery Limited
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 84209-01
1079 kr
Ardmore Sherry Cask 2009 57.1%, 70cl
Berrys Own Selection, Berry Bros & Rudd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 56406-01
1360 kr
Ardnahoe Inaugural 50.0%, 70cl
Ardnahoe Distillery, Hunter Laing & Co Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Islay
Systembolagets tillfälliga sortiment.
Nr: 41704-01
879 kr
Ardnahoe Infinite Loch 50.0%, 70cl
Ardnahoe Distillery, Hunter Laing & Co Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Islay
Systembolagets tillfälliga sortiment
Nr: 10416-01
798 kr
Ardnamurchan 10yo 50.0%, 70cl
Ardnamurchan Distillery, Ardnamurchan Distillery Limited
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets tillfälliga sortiment
Nr: 41909-01
859 kr
Ardnamurchan AD 46.8%, 70cl
Ardnamurchan Distillery, Ardnamurchan Distillery Limited
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Nr: 58108-01
695 kr
Ardnamurchan AD 07.21:05 46.8%, 70cl
Ardnamurchan Distillery, Ardnamurchan Distillery Limited
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 51855-01
681 kr
Ardnamurchan CS 0923 58.1%, 70cl
Ardnamurchan Distillery, Ardnamurchan Distillery Limited
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 85079-01
934 kr
Ardnamurchan MB Sherry Cask 2018 5yo 58.0%, 70cl
Adelphi, Adelphi Distillery Limited
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 84366-01
1429 kr
Ardnamurchan Paul Launois 57.3%, 70cl
Ardnamurchan Distillery, Ardnamurchan Distillery Limited
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Nr: 84198-01
998 kr
Ardnamurchan Rum Release 1023 55.0%, 70cl
Ardnamurchan Distillery, Ardnamurchan Distillery Limited
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Nr: 85989-01
961 kr
Ardnamurchan Sauternes Finish 50.0%, 70cl
Ardnamurchan Distillery, Ardnamurchan Distillery Limited
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment
Nr: 84276-01
869 kr
Ardnamurchan Sherry Cask 50.0%, 70cl
Ardnamurchan Distillery, Ardnamurchan Distillery Limited
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets tillfälliga sortiment, slutlevererad.
Nr: 41527-01
671 kr
Ardnamurchan Sherry Cask 2018 6yo 58.6%, 70cl
Ardnamurchan Distillery, Ardnamurchan Distillery Limited
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Nr: CB139028
Ardnamurchan Sherry Cask Peated 50.0%, 70cl
Ardnamurchan Distillery, Ardnamurchan Distillery Limited
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets fasta sortiment.
Nr: 11606-01
598 kr
Armorik 10yo 46.0%, 70cl
Armorik, Distillerie Warenghem SA
Single Malt Whisky - Frankrike
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 59734-01
849 kr
Armorik 15yo 46.0%, 70cl
Armorik, Distillerie Warenghem SA
Single Malt Whisky - Frankrike
Nr: 59733-01
1008 kr
Armorik Classic 46.0%, 70cl
Armorik, Distillerie Warenghem SA
Single Malt Whisky - Frankrike
Nr: 86625-01
574 kr
Armorik Classic EKO 46.0%, 70cl
Armorik, Distillerie Warenghem SA
Single Malt Whisky - Frankrike
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 59736-01
678 kr
Armorik Dervenn 2012 46.0%, 70cl
Armorik, Distillerie Warenghem SA
Single Malt Whisky - Frankrike
Nr: 82551-01
699 kr
Armorik Dervenn 10yo 46.0%, 70cl
Armorik, Distillerie Warenghem SA
Single Malt Whisky - Frankrike
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 59740-01
889 kr
Armorik Double Matured 46.0%, 70cl
Armorik, Distillerie Warenghem SA
Single Malt Whisky - Frankrike
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 86665-01
641 kr
Armorik Double Matured EKO 46.0%, 70cl
Armorik, Distillerie Warenghem SA
Single Malt Whisky - Frankrike
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 59735-01
758 kr
Armorik Originale 40.0%, 70cl
Armorik, Distillerie Warenghem SA
Single Malt Whisky - Frankrike
Kan beställas via Systembolagets Privatimport (OBS: Priset kan skilja)
Nr: CB144007
540 kr
Armorik Roof Rye 0yo 43.0%, 50cl
Armorik, Distillerie Warenghem SA
Single Malt Whisky - Frankrike
Nr: 83444-02
769 kr
Armorik Sherry Cask 46.0%, 70cl
Armorik, Distillerie Warenghem SA
Single Malt Whisky - Frankrike
Nr: 81215-01
651 kr
Armorik Sherry Cask EKO 46.0%, 70cl
Armorik, Distillerie Warenghem SA
Single Malt Whisky - Frankrike
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 59737-01
728 kr
Armorik Triagoz 0yo 46.0%, 70cl
Armorik, Distillerie Warenghem SA
Single Malt Whisky - Frankrike
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 81413-01
730 kr
Armorik Yeun Elez 46.0%, 70cl
Armorik, Distillerie Warenghem SA
Single Malt Whisky - Frankrike
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 52261-01
750 kr
Arran 1998 24yo 54.7%, 70cl
Old Malt Cask, Hunter Laing & Co Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Arran
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 53117-01
6196 kr
Auchentoshan 1998 25yo 50.0%, 70cl
Old Malt Cask, Hunter Laing & Co Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Lowland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 85818-01
4158 kr
Auchentoshan 1998 25yo 50.0%, 70cl
Old Malt Cask, Hunter Laing & Co Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Lowland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 85933-01
4158 kr
Auchentoshan 1998 25yo 56.9%, 70cl
A.D. Rattray, A D Rattray
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Lowland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 85767-01
4498 kr
Auchentoshan Sherry Finish 2007 13yo 48.0%, 70cl
Artist, La Maison de Whisky
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Lowland
Nr: 56190-01
1675 kr
Auchroisk 1997 26yo 50.0%, 70cl
Old Malt Cask, Hunter Laing & Co Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 85189-01
4298 kr
Auchroisk 2007 16yo 54.1%, 70cl
The First Editions, Edition Spirits Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 85483-01
1618 kr
Auchroisk Sherry Butt 2016 7yo 47.5%, 70cl
Carn Mor, Morrison Scotch Whisky Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 84345-01
938 kr
Aultmore 2012 10yo 47.5%, 70cl
Carn Mor, Morrison Scotch Whisky Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets tillfälliga sortiment.
Nr: 41332-01
771 kr
Aultmore 2011 12yo 57.0%, 70cl
A.D. Rattray, A D Rattray
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 85734-01
1297 kr
Aultmore 2011 9yo 48.0%, 70cl
Single Malts of Scotland, Elixir Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 50458-01
721 kr
Aultmore Ruby Port Cask 2012 10yo 47.5%, 70cl
Carn Mor, Morrison Scotch Whisky Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 55367-01
1048 kr
Balblair Sherry Cask 2016 12yo 57.4%, 70cl
A.D. Rattray, A D Rattray
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 85248-01
1389 kr
Balmenach 2012 12yo 56.7%, 70cl
A.D. Rattray, A D Rattray
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 84434-01
1238 kr
Balmenach Sherry Cask 2012 10yo 47.5%, 70cl
Carn Mor, Morrison Scotch Whisky Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 58545-01
1078 kr
Ben Nevis 2011 12yo 50.0%, 70cl
Old Malt Cask, Hunter Laing & Co Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 85651-01
1639 kr
Ben Nevis 1998-Oct 24yo 46.6%, 70cl
Maltman / Grainman, Meadowside Blending Co. Ltd.
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 56592-01
2849 kr
Ben Nevis 2001 22yo 51.2%, 70cl
Clydesdale , Clydesdale Original Scotch Whisky Co Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Nr: 41606-01
Ben Nevis 2012 10yo 48.0%, 70cl
Single Malts of Scotland, Elixir Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 50921-01
949 kr
Ben Nevis 10yo 46.0%, 70cl
Ben Nevis Distillery, Ben Nevis Distillery (Fort William) Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 56998-01
852 kr
Ben Nevis 2003 16yo 54.9%, 70cl
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Nr: 51951-01
1201 kr
Ben Nevis 2008 13yo 62.1%, 70cl
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 55329-01
1201 kr
Ben Nevis 2008 13yo 62.8%, 70cl
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 55330-01
1201 kr
Ben Nevis 2003-Dec 18yo 52.4%, 70cl
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Nr: 84771-01
1510 kr
Ben Nevis 2008-Jan 14yo 62.2%, 70cl
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 53226-01
1341 kr
Ben Nevis 2010-Sep 11yo 59.0%, 70cl
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 53240-01
1272 kr
Ben Nevis 2005-May 17yo 56.1%, 70cl
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 85058-01
1668 kr
Ben Nevis Coire Leis 46.0%, 70cl
Ben Nevis Distillery, Ben Nevis Distillery (Fort William) Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 56994-01
800 kr
Ben Nevis Islay Sherry Cask Finish 2012-12-07 10yo 58.2%, 70cl
A.D. Rattray, A D Rattray
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 55785-01
1368 kr
Ben Nevis Marsala Cask 2012-Mar 11yo 57.1%, 70cl
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 85883-01
1358 kr
Ben Nevis Port Cask 2006-jun 17yo 54.2%, 70cl
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment
Nr: 84745-01
1758 kr
Ben Nevis Port Cask Glas Decanter 1990-09-28 21yo 59.8%, 70cl
Ben Nevis Distillery, Ben Nevis Distillery (Fort William) Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Nr: 85152-01
5904 kr
Ben Nevis Red Wine Cask 2012-mar 11yo 59.2%, 70cl
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment
Nr: 84751-01
1428 kr
Ben Nevis Red Wine Cask 2010-nov 12yo 59.2%, 70cl
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment
Nr: 84757-01
1468 kr
Ben Nevis Red Wine Cask 2001-Oct 21yo 46.4%, 70cl
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Nr: 85900-01
2119 kr
Ben Nevis Sherry Cask 2015 7yo 47.5%, 70cl
Carn Mor, Morrison Scotch Whisky Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Nr: 57016-01
872 kr
Ben Nevis Sherry Cask 1998 25yo 52.5%, 70cl
Adelphi, Adelphi Distillery Limited
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Nr: 84220-01
3186 kr
Ben Nevis Sherry Cask 1996 24yo 57.0%, 70cl
The First Editions, Edition Spirits Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 55653-01
3280 kr
Ben Nevis Sherry Cask 2014 6yo 57.1%, 70cl
Artist, La Maison de Whisky
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 56201-01
1342 kr
Ben Nevis Sherry Cask 2011 11yo 46.0%, 70cl
Hepburn's Choice, Langside Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 85467-01
1258 kr
Ben Nevis Sherry Finish 2007-Aug 15yo 50.2%, 70cl
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 85889-01
1528 kr
Ben Nevis Traditional 46.0%, 70cl
Ben Nevis Distillery, Ben Nevis Distillery (Fort William) Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 84934-01
947 kr
Ben Nevis Wine Cask 2010 10yo 60.0%, 70cl
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 51947-01
1031 kr
Ben Nevis Wine Cask 2010 10yo 59.9%, 70cl
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 51948-01
1051 kr
Benriach 2012 10yo 47.5%, 70cl
Carn Mor, Morrison Scotch Whisky Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 85552-01
988 kr
Benriach 2001-Oct 19yo 50.0%, 70cl
Old Malt Cask, Hunter Laing & Co Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 58134-01
2201 kr
Benriach 2010-maj 13yo 50.0%, 70cl
Old Malt Cask, Hunter Laing & Co Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment
Nr: 84521-01
1288 kr
Benriach 2010 12yo 50.0%, 70cl
Old Malt Cask, Hunter Laing & Co Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 85128-01
1219 kr
Benriach 2012-09-19 10yo 58.4%, 70cl
A.D. Rattray, A D Rattray
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 56348-01
1139 kr
Benriach 2014-10-24 8yo 58.4%, 70cl
A.D. Rattray, A D Rattray
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 56120-01
1188 kr
Benriach 2008 56.2%, 70cl
Berrys Own Selection, Berry Bros & Rudd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 51446-01
1150 kr
Benrinnes 2009 12yo 48.0%, 70cl
Single Malts of Scotland, Elixir Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 52299-01
969 kr
Benrinnes 2009 11yo 52.9%, 70cl
Berrys Own Selection, Berry Bros & Rudd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Nr: 52742-01
1087 kr
Benrinnes 2009 52.2%, 70cl
Berrys Own Selection, Berry Bros & Rudd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 85160-01
1569 kr
Benrinnes 2006 50.2%, 70cl
Berrys Own Selection, Berry Bros & Rudd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Nr: 85938-01
1649 kr
Benrinnes 1996 22yo 51.4%, 70cl
Artist, La Maison de Whisky
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 84006-01
2085 kr
Benrinnes Rum Finish 2010 12yo 47.5%, 70cl
Carn Mor, Morrison Scotch Whisky Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets tillfälliga sortiment.
Nr: 41331-01
900 kr
Benrinnes Sherry Cask 2003 19yo 50.0%, 70cl
Old Malt Cask, Hunter Laing & Co Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Nr: 85299-01
1859 kr
Benrinnes Sherry Cask 2014 10yo 57.2%, 70cl
A.D. Rattray, A D Rattray
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Nr: 84381-01
1279 kr
Benrinnes Sherry Finish 2010 11yo 48.0%, 70cl
Artist, La Maison de Whisky
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Nr: 56189-01
1470 kr
Black Snake Vat4 Venom 6 61.2%, 70cl
Blackadder Generic, Blackadder International
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 84970-01
1038 kr
Blair Athol 2009 13yo 50.0%, 70cl
Old Malt Cask, Hunter Laing & Co Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 85590-01
1294 kr
Blair Athol 2009-04-30 11yo 55.9%, 70cl
A.D. Rattray, A D Rattray
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Nr: 50298-01
890 kr
Blair Athol 2011 13yo 58.3%, 70cl
Adelphi, Adelphi Distillery Limited
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment
Nr: 84651-01
1328 kr
Blair Athol (Agent Ivy Trapped) 12yo 55.1%, 70cl
Brave New Spirits, Brave New Spirits Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 84913-01
1179 kr
Blair Athol (Agent Ivy) 12yo 55.9%, 70cl
Brave New Spirits, Brave New Spirits Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 84451-01
1158 kr
Blair Athol Sauternes Finish 2010 13yo 56.3%, 70cl
Berrys Own Selection, Berry Bros & Rudd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 84034-01
1677 kr
Blair Athol Sherry Butt 2011-jun 11yo 50.0%, 70cl
Old Malt Cask, Hunter Laing & Co Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment
Nr: 84791-01
1238 kr
Blair Athol Sherry Cask 1997 26yo 50.0%, 70cl
Old Malt Cask, Hunter Laing & Co Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 85680-01
4298 kr
Blair Athol Sherry Cask 2011 11yo 59.6%, 70cl
The First Editions, Edition Spirits Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment
Nr: 84784-01
1398 kr
Blair Athol Sherry Finish 2009 15yo 54.9%, 70cl
A.D. Rattray, A D Rattray
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 84441-01
1487 kr
Blair Athol Sherry Finish 2009 52.1%, 70cl
Berrys Own Selection, Berry Bros & Rudd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Nr: 85516-01
1601 kr
Blair Athol Sherry Finish 2009 14yo 55.6%, 70cl
Berrys Own Selection, Berry Bros & Rudd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Nr: 84628-01
1758 kr
Bowmore Sherry Cask 1997 26yo 55.5%, 70cl
Adelphi, Adelphi Distillery Limited
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Islay
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 85458-01
6894 kr
Braes of Glenlivet 1989 34yo 54.4%, 70cl
Old & Rare, Hunter Laing & Co Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 85475-01
5974 kr
Braeval Sherry Butt 2009-apr 14yo 50.0%, 70cl
Old Malt Cask, Hunter Laing & Co Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment
Nr: 84653-01
1348 kr
Braeval Sherry Cask 2009 14yo 62.0%, 70cl
The First Editions, Edition Spirits Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 85668-01
1629 kr
Brora 1982 40yo 47.4%, 70cl
Old & Rare, Hunter Laing & Co Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets tillfälliga sortiment, slutlevererad.
Nr: 41767-01
74990 kr
Bruichladdich 2002 21yo 54.7%, 70cl
Clydesdale , Clydesdale Original Scotch Whisky Co Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Islay
Nr: 41607-01
Bruichladdich 2002 57.0%, 70cl
Samaroli, Coilltean International Co Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Islay
Nr: CB052038
Bunnahabhain (Staoisha) 2013 10yo 53.4%, 70cl
Berrys Own Selection, Berry Bros & Rudd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Islay
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 84932-01
1197 kr
Bunnahabhain (Moine) 2011 12yo 56.8%, 70cl
A.D. Rattray, A D Rattray
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Islay
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 84443-01
1768 kr
Bunnahabhain (Staoisha) 2013 10yo 57.5%, 70cl
A.D. Rattray, A D Rattray
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Islay
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 85646-01
1397 kr
Bunnahabhain (Staoisha) 2013 7yo 64.1%, 70cl
Artist, La Maison de Whisky
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Islay
Nr: 56202-01
1200 kr
Bunnahabhain (Staoisha) STR Cask 2013 8yo 57.1%, 70cl
Artist, La Maison de Whisky
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Islay
Nr: 59741-01
1180 kr
Bunnahabhain Sherry Butt 2009-09-28 12yo 55.3%, 70cl
Single Malts of Scotland, Elixir Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Islay
Systembolagets beställningssortiment
Nr: 84821-01
1198 kr
Bunnahabhain Sherry Cask 1991 31yo 46.5%, 70cl
Old & Rare, Hunter Laing & Co Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Islay
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 85649-01
7295 kr
Bunnahabhain Staoisha Sherry Cask 2014 5yo 61.2%, 70cl
Artist, La Maison de Whisky
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Islay
Nr: 50312-01
1201 kr
Bw8 51.2%, 50cl
Elements of Islay, Elixir Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Islay
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 83416-02
1657 kr
Caol Ila 2014-Jan 7yo 54.1%, 70cl
Maltman / Grainman, Meadowside Blending Co. Ltd.
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Islay
Nr: 57082-01
1087 kr
Caol Ila 2016-jun 8yo 53.9%, 70cl
Maltman / Grainman, Meadowside Blending Co. Ltd.
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Islay
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 84835-01
1018 kr
Caol Ila 2016 7yo 58.5%, 70cl
Adelphi, Adelphi Distillery Limited
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Islay
*** Kommande produkt. Priset ej fastställt och datum för säljstart är ännu inte klart! ***
Nr: CB035333
1119 kr
Caol Ila 2010 12yo 48.0%, 70cl
Single Malts of Scotland, Elixir Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Islay
Nr: 57474-01
999 kr
Caol Ila 2012 11yo 48.0%, 70cl
Single Malts of Scotland, Elixir Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Islay
Nr: 85917-01
998 kr
Caol Ila 2014 8yo 46.0%, 70cl
Hepburn's Choice, Langside Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Islay
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 58369-01
1258 kr
Caol Ila 2014 9yo 46.0%, 70cl
Hepburn's Choice, Langside Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Islay
Systembolagets beställningssortiment
Nr: 84781-01
1068 kr
Caol Ila Parcel 9 2014 8yo 48.0%, 70cl
Single Malts of Scotland, Elixir Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Islay
Systembolagets beställningssortiment
Nr: 84785-01
888 kr
Caol Ila Port Finish 2010 10yo 46.0%, 70cl
Hepburn's Choice, Langside Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Islay
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 58119-01
1250 kr
Caol Ila Sherry Butt 2011 11yo 46.0%, 70cl
Hepburn's Choice, Langside Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Islay
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 57331-01
1458 kr
Caol Ila Sherry Cask 2010 13yo 56.7%, 70cl
Adelphi, Adelphi Distillery Limited
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Islay
Systembolagets beställningssortiment
Nr: 84783-01
1448 kr
Caol Ila Sherry Cask 2010 10yo 48.0%, 70cl
Artist, La Maison de Whisky
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Islay
Nr: 56187-01
1576 kr
Caol Ila Sherry Cask 2010 11yo 59.1%, 70cl
Artist, La Maison de Whisky
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Islay
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 59744-01
1853 kr
Caol Ila Sherry Cask 2010 12yo 46.0%, 70cl
Hepburn's Choice, Langside Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Islay
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 85322-01
1439 kr
Caol Ila Sherry Finish 2012-08-23 11yo 58.1%, 70cl
Blackadder Raw Cask, Blackadder International
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Islay
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 84988-01
1719 kr
Caol Ila STR Cask 2013 9yo 48.0%, 70cl
Artist, La Maison de Whisky
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Islay
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 59746-01
1368 kr
Caol Ila Wine Cask 2010 9yo 46.0%, 70cl
Hepburn's Choice, Langside Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Islay
Nr: 59829-01
1066 kr
Cask Islay 46.0%, 70cl
A.D. Rattray, A D Rattray
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Islay
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 84426-01
600 kr
Cask Speyside 12yo 46.0%, 70cl
A.D. Rattray, A D Rattray
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 52639-01
680 kr
Cedar Ridge Single Malt 40.0%, 70cl
American Whiskey,
Single Malt Whisky - USA
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 83460-01
868 kr
Chapter 12 46.0%, 70cl
English Whisky, The English Whisky Co.
Single Malt Whisky - England
Kan beställas via Systembolagets Privatimport (OBS: Priset kan skilja)
Nr: CB078021
751 kr
Chapter 14 2011-12 46.0%, 70cl
English Whisky, The English Whisky Co.
Single Malt Whisky - England
Nr: 86116-01
740 kr
Ci9 51.6%, 50cl
Elements of Islay, Elixir Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Islay
Systembolagets tillfälliga sortiment, slutlevererad.
Nr: 40066-02
494 kr
Classic Range Irish 44.2%, 70cl
Berrys Own Selection, Berry Bros & Rudd
Single Malt Whisky - Ireland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 82741-01
581 kr
Classic Range Sherry Cask 12yo 45.3%, 70cl
Berrys Own Selection, Berry Bros & Rudd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 84663-01
798 kr
Classic Range Sherry Cask SM 45.3%, 70cl
Berrys Own Selection, Berry Bros & Rudd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland
Nr: 51864-01
640 kr
Classic Range Speyside 16yo 48.2%, 70cl
Berrys Own Selection, Berry Bros & Rudd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 84830-01
1358 kr
Clydeside Limited Edition 60.6%, 70cl
Clydeside Distillery, The Clydeside Distillery
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Lowland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 58421-01
997 kr
Clydeside Napier 46.0%, 70cl
Clydeside Distillery, The Clydeside Distillery
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Lowland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 84497-01
798 kr
Clydeside Stobcross 46.0%, 70cl
Clydeside Distillery, The Clydeside Distillery
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Lowland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 55039-01
681 kr
Copper Rivet Masthouse 2017 59.7%, 70cl
Berrys Own Selection, Berry Bros & Rudd
Single Malt Whisky - England
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 85197-01
1848 kr
Cotswold Founders Choice 59.1%, 70cl
Cotswold Distillery, The Cotswold Distilling Company Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - England
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 50226-01
872 kr
Cotswold Oloroso Sherry Cask 2018-04-04 61.4%, 70cl
Cotswold Distillery, The Cotswold Distilling Company Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - England
Systembolagets tillfälliga sortiment.
Nr: 41539-01
1576 kr
Cotswold Peated Cask 59.3%, 70cl
Cotswold Distillery, The Cotswold Distilling Company Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - England
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 82402-01
884 kr
Cotswold Signature 46.0%, 70cl
Cotswold Distillery, The Cotswold Distilling Company Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - England
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 83501-01
699 kr
Cotswold Whisky Amber Meadow 51.6%, 70cl
Cotswold Distillery, The Cotswold Distilling Company Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - England
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 84245-01
1368 kr
Cotswold Whisky Bourbon Cask 59.1%, 70cl
Cotswold Distillery, The Cotswold Distilling Company Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - England
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 58051-01
901 kr
Cotswold Whisky Golden Wold 52.5%, 70cl
Cotswold Distillery, The Cotswold Distilling Company Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - England
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 85074-01
1268 kr
Cotswold Whisky Pineau des Charentes 55.0%, 70cl
Cotswold Distillery, The Cotswold Distilling Company Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - England
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 84188-01
1378 kr
Cotswold Whisky Reserve 50.0%, 70cl
Cotswold Distillery, The Cotswold Distilling Company Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - England
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 58099-01
831 kr
Cotswold Whisky Rum Cask 55.6%, 70cl
Cotswold Distillery, The Cotswold Distilling Company Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - England
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 84178-01
1328 kr
Cotswold Whisky Sherry Cask 57.4%, 70cl
Cotswold Distillery, The Cotswold Distilling Company Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - England
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 54673-01
979 kr
Cragganmore Sherry Cask 1995 26yo 54.8%, 70cl
Old & Rare, Hunter Laing & Co Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 58985-01
7501 kr
Craigellachie 2008 14yo 56.8%, 70cl
The First Editions, Edition Spirits Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Nr: 51661-01
1313 kr
Craigellachie 2008 15yo 55.8%, 70cl
The First Editions, Edition Spirits Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment
Nr: 84240-01
1538 kr
Craigellachie Rum Finish 2010 12yo 47.5%, 70cl
Carn Mor, Morrison Scotch Whisky Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Nr: 52421-01
1151 kr
Craigellachie Sherry Butt 2012 54.3%, 70cl
Berrys Own Selection, Berry Bros & Rudd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Nr: 85095-01
1498 kr
Craigellachie Sherry Butt 2007 16yo 57.3%, 70cl
The First Editions, Edition Spirits Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment
Nr: 84296-01
1778 kr
Craigellachie Sherry Cask 2007 15yo 50.0%, 70cl
Old Malt Cask, Hunter Laing & Co Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Nr: 59994-01
1233 kr
Craigellachie Sherry Finish 2012-11-07 10yo 65.0%, 70cl
A.D. Rattray, A D Rattray
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Nr: 51414-01
1221 kr
Craigellachie Wine Finish 2010 14yo 57.1%, 70cl
A.D. Rattray, A D Rattray
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 84444-01
1438 kr
Croftengea 2014 7yo 60.0%, 70cl
A.D. Rattray, A D Rattray
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 84689-01
1068 kr
Croftengea 2005-02-28 16yo 56.2%, 70cl
Single Malts of Scotland, Elixir Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Nr: 55471-01
1216 kr
Daftmill Sherry Butt 2011-12-23 60.3%, 70cl
Daftmill Distillery,
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Lowland
Systembolagets tillfälliga sortiment, slutlevererad.
Nr: 41453-01
1682 kr
Daftmill Summer Release 2011 46.0%, 70cl
Daftmill Distillery,
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Lowland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 85392-01
1658 kr
Daftmill Winter Release 2010 46.0%, 70cl
Daftmill Distillery,
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Lowland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 52024-01
1688 kr
Daftmill Winter Release 2011 46.0%, 70cl
Daftmill Distillery,
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Lowland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 84598-01
1722 kr
Dailuaine 2012 9yo 47.5%, 70cl
Carn Mor, Morrison Scotch Whisky Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 52653-01
860 kr
Dailuaine 2011-11-28 10yo 57.5%, 70cl
A.D. Rattray, A D Rattray
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 58832-01
1121 kr
Dailuaine 2011 12yo 57.3%, 70cl
A.D. Rattray, A D Rattray
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 85245-01
1377 kr
Dailuaine 2012 12yo 57.8%, 70cl
Adelphi, Adelphi Distillery Limited
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets tillfälliga sortiment.
Nr: 41781-01
997 kr
Dailuaine 10yo 48.0%, 70cl
Single Malts of Scotland, Elixir Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 50756-01
929 kr
Dailuaine 2010 55.9%, 70cl
Berrys Own Selection, Berry Bros & Rudd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 85178-01
1488 kr
Dailuaine Sherry Butt 2009-jul 14yo 53.1%, 70cl
Maltman / Grainman, Meadowside Blending Co. Ltd.
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 84971-01
1398 kr
Dailuaine Sherry Finish 2010 50.3%, 70cl
Berrys Own Selection, Berry Bros & Rudd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 85450-01
1448 kr
Dailuaine Sherry Finish 2010 14yo 55.7%, 70cl
Berrys Own Selection, Berry Bros & Rudd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 84860-01
1498 kr
Dailuaine Wine Finish 2013 8yo 47.5%, 70cl
Carn Mor, Morrison Scotch Whisky Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 55679-01
861 kr
Dalmunach 2015 8yo 65.9%, 70cl
A.D. Rattray, A D Rattray
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 85443-01
1194 kr
Dalmunach 1st Fill Bourbon 2018 6yo 47.5%, 70cl
Carn Mor, Morrison Scotch Whisky Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 84315-01
928 kr
Deanston 2009 14yo 50.0%, 70cl
Old Malt Cask, Hunter Laing & Co Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 85059-01
1398 kr
Deanston 2011 12yo 59.9%, 70cl
A.D. Rattray, A D Rattray
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 85371-01
1478 kr
Deanston 2013 10yo 58.2%, 70cl
Adelphi, Adelphi Distillery Limited
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment
Nr: 84726-01
1348 kr
Deanston Sherry Butt 2009-sep 14yo 50.0%, 70cl
Old Malt Cask, Hunter Laing & Co Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment
Nr: 84295-01
1388 kr
Dufftown 1991 30yo 47.5%, 70cl
Old Malt Cask, Hunter Laing & Co Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 51849-01
3849 kr
Dufftown 2009-10-08 13yo 52.8%, 70cl
A.D. Rattray, A D Rattray
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 55967-01
1388 kr
Dufftown 2009 9yo 46.0%, 70cl
Berrys Own Selection, Berry Bros & Rudd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 83312-01
829 kr
Dufftown Sherry Finish 2008 12yo 54.9%, 70cl
Berrys Own Selection, Berry Bros & Rudd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 52735-01
1382 kr
Eddu Version Française 2011 48.0%, 70cl
Destillerie Des Menhirs, Destillerie Des Menhirs
Single Malt Whisky - Frankrike
Nr: 52895-01
1341 kr
English Lest We Forget 43.0%, 70cl
English Whisky, The English Whisky Co.
Single Malt Whisky - England
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 82526-01
786 kr
English Peated Selected by Clydesdale 2007-nov 58.7%, 70cl
English Whisky, The English Whisky Co.
Single Malt Whisky - England
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 86391-01
700 kr
English Selected by Clydesdale 2007-10-16 57.1%, 70cl
English Whisky, The English Whisky Co.
Single Malt Whisky - England
Nr: 85255-01
927 kr
English Whisky Heavily Peated 10yo 65.1%, 70cl
Blackadder Raw Cask, Blackadder International
Single Malt Whisky - England
Kan beställas via Systembolagets Privatimport (OBS: Priset kan skilja)
Nr: CB001379
1501 kr
English Whisky Original 43.0%, 70cl
English Whisky, The English Whisky Co.
Single Malt Whisky - England
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 86842-01
401 kr
Fable Bay (Benrinnes) 2009 12yo 59.8%, 70cl
Fable Whisky, Pendulum Spirits Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 56428-01
1217 kr
Fable Clanyard (Caol Ila) 2010 11yo 59.8%, 70cl
Fable Whisky, Pendulum Spirits Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Islay
Nr: 56421-01
Fable Fairies (Teaninich) 2009 12yo 55.8%, 70cl
Fable Whisky, Pendulum Spirits Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Nr: 56427-01
1185 kr
Fable Folk (Linkwood) 2009 12yo 53.7%, 70cl
Fable Whisky, Pendulum Spirits Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Nr: 56426-01
1172 kr
Fable Hound (Mannochmore) 2008 13yo 59.3%, 70cl
Fable Whisky, Pendulum Spirits Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Nr: 56431-01
1215 kr
Fable Moon (Dailuaine) 2010 11yo 60.3%, 70cl
Fable Whisky, Pendulum Spirits Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 56422-01
1219 kr
Fable Piper (Glen Elgin) 2009 12yo 59.2%, 70cl
Fable Whisky, Pendulum Spirits Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 56436-01
1214 kr
Fary Lochan Nordic Casks 2014 60.9%, 70cl
Berrys Own Selection, Berry Bros & Rudd
Single Malt Whisky - Danmark
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 55053-01
2000 kr
Fascadale Batch 10 14yo 46.0%, 70cl
Adelphi, Adelphi Distillery Limited
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Orkney
Nr: 57604-01
987 kr
Fettercairn 2011 10yo 47.5%, 70cl
Carn Mor, Morrison Scotch Whisky Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 55674-01
871 kr
Fettercairn 2009 15yo 57.3%, 70cl
A.D. Rattray, A D Rattray
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 84699-01
1568 kr
Fettercairn 2006 10yo 55.0%, 70cl
Berrys Own Selection, Berry Bros & Rudd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Nr: 85042-01
989 kr
Firkin 49 Tullibardine 2012 48.9%, 70cl
Firkin, The Firkin Whisky Co Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 52125-01
1072 kr
Firkin Ten Benrinnes 2008 48.9%, 70cl
Firkin, The Firkin Whisky Co Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 52141-01
1072 kr
Founders Private Cellar 2006-11-26 5yo 60.8%, 70cl
English Whisky, The English Whisky Co.
Single Malt Whisky - England
Nr: 85623-01
1949 kr
Glen Elgin 2012 11yo 59.0%, 70cl
Berrys Own Selection, Berry Bros & Rudd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 84068-01
1297 kr
Glen Elgin 1st Fill Bourbon 2017 6yo 47.5%, 70cl
Carn Mor, Morrison Scotch Whisky Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 84330-01
898 kr
Glen Elgin Moscatel Finish 2008 15yo 55.0%, 70cl
Berrys Own Selection, Berry Bros & Rudd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 84834-01
1798 kr
Glen Elgin Sherry Cask 2008 15yo 55.6%, 70cl
Adelphi, Adelphi Distillery Limited
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Nr: 84152-01
1388 kr
Glen Elgin Sherry Finish 2008 14yo 48.0%, 70cl
Artist, La Maison de Whisky
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 59747-01
1697 kr
Glen Garioch 2008-okt 14yo 50.0%, 70cl
Old Malt Cask, Hunter Laing & Co Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment
Nr: 84682-01
1388 kr
Glen Garioch 2011 12yo 50.0%, 70cl
Old Malt Cask, Hunter Laing & Co Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Nr: 85496-01
1198 kr
Glen Garioch 2012 10yo 48.0%, 70cl
Single Malts of Scotland, Elixir Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 52173-01
969 kr
Glen Garioch Port Finish 2011 56.5%, 70cl
Berrys Own Selection, Berry Bros & Rudd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Nr: 85061-01
1489 kr
Glen Garioch Sherry Finish 2011 12yo 57.2%, 70cl
Berrys Own Selection, Berry Bros & Rudd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 84737-01
1788 kr
Glen Grant 1995 49.1%, 70cl
Berrys Own Selection, Berry Bros & Rudd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Nr: 50508-01
3144 kr
Glen Keith 2013 10yo 47.5%, 70cl
Carn Mor, Morrison Scotch Whisky Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 85541-01
1028 kr
Glen Keith 1993 30yo 50.0%, 70cl
Old Malt Cask, Hunter Laing & Co Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 85497-01
4798 kr
Glen Keith 1995 23yo 48.6%, 70cl
Berrys Own Selection, Berry Bros & Rudd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Kan beställas via Systembolagets Privatimport (OBS: Priset kan skilja)
Nr: CB075183
2248 kr
Glen Keith 1993 25yo 54.9%, 70cl
Berrys Own Selection, Berry Bros & Rudd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Kan beställas via Systembolagets Privatimport (OBS: Priset kan skilja)
Nr: CB075184
2429 kr
Glen Keith Sherry Cask 2013 8yo 47.5%, 70cl
Carn Mor, Morrison Scotch Whisky Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Nr: 57019-01
879 kr
Glen Moray 2013-08-12 10yo 63.4%, 70cl
Blackadder Raw Cask, Blackadder International
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 84184-01
1438 kr
Glen Moray 2004 17yo 50.0%, 70cl
Old Malt Cask, Hunter Laing & Co Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Nr: 59008-01
1421 kr
Glen Moray 2007 15yo 59.6%, 70cl
A.D. Rattray, A D Rattray
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 85769-01
1559 kr
Glen Moray 2007 9yo 46.0%, 70cl
Berrys Own Selection, Berry Bros & Rudd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Nr: 86945-01
909 kr
Glen Moray 1991 55.7%, 70cl
Berrys Own Selection, Berry Bros & Rudd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Nr: 51532-01
3482 kr
Glen Moray 2007 9yo 57.0%, 70cl
Berrys Own Selection, Berry Bros & Rudd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Nr: 85173-01
989 kr
Glen Moray 2008 50.3%, 70cl
Berrys Own Selection, Berry Bros & Rudd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Nr: 85891-01
1298 kr
Glen Moray Sauternes Finish 2013 10yo 64.3%, 70cl
A.D. Rattray, A D Rattray
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 84378-01
1275 kr
Glen Moray Sherry Finish 2013-08-12 8yo 65.0%, 70cl
A.D. Rattray, A D Rattray
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 58881-01
1093 kr
Glen Mosset (Benromach) 2013-sep 11yo 54.6%, 70cl
Maltman / Grainman, Meadowside Blending Co. Ltd.
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 84837-01
1228 kr
Glen Ord 2007 16yo 56.2%, 70cl
Berrys Own Selection, Berry Bros & Rudd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Nr: 84842-01
1698 kr
Glen Ord 2012 9yo 43.0%, 70cl
Artist, La Maison de Whisky
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 59743-01
1038 kr
Glen Spey 2009 10yo 57.2%, 70cl
Berrys Own Selection, Berry Bros & Rudd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 85174-01
1359 kr
Glen Spey 2009 14yo 55.0%, 70cl
Berrys Own Selection, Berry Bros & Rudd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 84639-01
1348 kr
Glenallachie 2008-Jun 14yo 52.8%, 70cl
Maltman / Grainman, Meadowside Blending Co. Ltd.
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Nr: 85237-01
1568 kr
Glenburgie 2012 8yo 47.5%, 70cl
Carn Mor, Morrison Scotch Whisky Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 53266-01
731 kr
Glenburgie 2012 12yo 53.0%, 70cl
A.D. Rattray, A D Rattray
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 84693-01
1258 kr
Glenburgie Sherry Butt 1989 29yo 46.0%, 70cl
Berrys Own Selection, Berry Bros & Rudd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 85740-01
3846 kr
Glenburgie Sherry Cask 2011 10yo 47.5%, 70cl
Carn Mor, Morrison Scotch Whisky Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Nr: 57027-01
919 kr
Glenburgie Sherry Finish 2010-04-01 12yo 53.8%, 70cl
A.D. Rattray, A D Rattray
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 57092-01
1298 kr
Glencadam 2011 11yo 48.0%, 70cl
Single Malts of Scotland, Elixir Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 58830-01
948 kr
Glencadam Moscatel Finish 2012-11-06 10yo 60.1%, 70cl
A.D. Rattray, A D Rattray
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 55786-01
1288 kr
Glendullan 2011 12yo 59.8%, 70cl
Berrys Own Selection, Berry Bros & Rudd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 84749-01
1348 kr
Glendullan (Gathering Seven Hills) 15yo 55.1%, 70cl
Brave New Spirits, Brave New Spirits Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 84456-01
1338 kr
Glenglassaugh for Clydesdale 2012-05-25 10yo 59.5%, 70cl
Blackadder Raw Cask, Blackadder International
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 54393-01
1478 kr
Glenglassaugh for Clydesdale 2012-05-25 10yo 53.9%, 70cl
Blackadder Raw Cask, Blackadder International
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 55401-01
1458 kr
Glenglassaugh Sherry Finish 2014-05-19 8yo 51.8%, 70cl
A.D. Rattray, A D Rattray
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 52922-01
1118 kr
Glengoyne 2008 15yo 59.1%, 70cl
The First Editions, Edition Spirits Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment
Nr: 84844-01
1998 kr
Glengoyne Sherry Cask 2000 13yo 46.0%, 70cl
Berrys Own Selection, Berry Bros & Rudd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Kan beställas via Systembolagets Privatimport (OBS: Priset kan skilja)
Nr: CB075103
1188 kr
Glengoyne Sherry Cask 2007 17yo 56.8%, 70cl
The First Editions, Edition Spirits Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment
Nr: 84641-01
1698 kr
Glenlossie 2009 11yo 47.5%, 70cl
Carn Mor, Morrison Scotch Whisky Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Nr: 53259-01
832 kr
Glenlossie 2011-12-29 9yo 55.1%, 70cl
Single Malts of Scotland, Elixir Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Nr: 55395-01
854 kr
Glenlossie 2013 46.0%, 70cl
Berrys Own Selection, Berry Bros & Rudd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 85282-01
1128 kr
Glenlossie 2011 13yo 56.2%, 70cl
Berrys Own Selection, Berry Bros & Rudd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 84681-01
1698 kr
Glenlossie 2009 12yo 43.0%, 70cl
Artist, La Maison de Whisky
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 56193-01
1030 kr
Glenlossie Sherry Butt 2017 6yo 54.6%, 70cl
Carn Mor, Morrison Scotch Whisky Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 84385-01
988 kr
Glenlossie Sherry Cask 1997-Feb 26yo 47.6%, 70cl
Maltman / Grainman, Meadowside Blending Co. Ltd.
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Nr: 85232-01
2998 kr
Glenlossie Wine Cask 2009 12yo 47.5%, 70cl
Carn Mor, Morrison Scotch Whisky Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 54444-01
1000 kr
Glenrothes 31yo 53.2%, 70cl
Single Malts of Scotland, Elixir Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Nr: 59097-01
5890 kr
Glenrothes Sherry Cask Sweden 2006 15yo 47.5%, 70cl
Carn Mor, Morrison Scotch Whisky Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Kan beställas via Systembolagets Privatimport (OBS: Priset kan skilja)
Nr: CB045168
1265 kr
Glentauchers 2014 6yo 47.5%, 70cl
Carn Mor, Morrison Scotch Whisky Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 55678-01
841 kr
Glentauchers Amontillado Cask 2011 11yo 47.5%, 70cl
Carn Mor, Morrison Scotch Whisky Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 52444-01
1060 kr
Glentauchers Sherry Butt 2011-06-07 11yo 56.8%, 70cl
A.D. Rattray, A D Rattray
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Nr: 57906-01
1230 kr
Glentauchers Sherry Cask 2010 11yo 47.5%, 70cl
Carn Mor, Morrison Scotch Whisky Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 54412-01
971 kr
Glentauchers Sherry Cask 2015 7yo 47.5%, 70cl
Carn Mor, Morrison Scotch Whisky Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 56278-01
898 kr
Glentauchers Sherry Cask 2012-01-23 12yo 65.6%, 70cl
Blackadder Raw Cask, Blackadder International
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 84234-01
1578 kr
Glentauchers Sherry Cask 2009 13yo 48.0%, 70cl
Artist, La Maison de Whisky
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 59745-01
1597 kr
Glentauchers Sherry Finish 2011 9yo 47.5%, 70cl
Carn Mor, Morrison Scotch Whisky Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 53257-01
800 kr
High Coast Sherry Cask 2013 10yo 57.1%, 70cl
Adelphi, Adelphi Distillery Limited
Single Malt Whisky - Sverige
Systembolagets beställningssortiment
Nr: 84656-01
1568 kr
Highland Queen Majesty 40.0%, 70cl
Highland Queen, The Highland Queen Scotch Whisky Co Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 85859-01
410 kr
Highland Queen Majesty 12yo 40.0%, 70cl
Highland Queen, The Highland Queen Scotch Whisky Co Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 85679-01
688 kr
Highland Queen Majesty Sherry Finish 14yo 40.0%, 70cl
Highland Queen, The Highland Queen Scotch Whisky Co Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 56114-01
641 kr
Hyde No4, Rum Finished 6yo 46.0%, 70cl
Hyde, Hibernia Distillers Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - Ireland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 72493-01
620 kr
Hyde No7, Sherry Matured 46.0%, 70cl
Hyde, Hibernia Distillers Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - Ireland
Nr: 82219-01
616 kr
Hyde No9, Port Finish 43.0%, 70cl
Hyde, Hibernia Distillers Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - Ireland
Nr: 52513-01
655 kr
Imperial 1998 23yo 49.8%, 70cl
Old & Rare, Hunter Laing & Co Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 58988-01
7478 kr
Inchfad (Loch Lomond) Sherry Cask 2016 8yo 57.0%, 70cl
Adelphi, Adelphi Distillery Limited
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment
Nr: 84418-01
1138 kr
Inchgower 2009-03-22 12yo 58.0%, 70cl
Blackadder Raw Cask, Blackadder International
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 53530-01
1322 kr
Inchgower 1997 27yo 56.1%, 70cl
The First Editions, Edition Spirits Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment
Nr: 84176-01
3337 kr
Inchgower (Relic of the Shore) 12yo 51.2%, 70cl
Brave New Spirits, Brave New Spirits Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 84457-01
1078 kr
Inchgower Port Cask 2008 15yo 61.1%, 70cl
The First Editions, Edition Spirits Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Nr: 85420-01
1728 kr
Inchmurrin (Deep Creatures) 10yo 58.1%, 70cl
Brave New Spirits, Brave New Spirits Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 84013-01
1286 kr
Islay Malt 2009 14yo 55.6%, 70cl
Berrys Own Selection, Berry Bros & Rudd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Islay
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 84164-01
1797 kr
Islay Malt Sherry Cask 2016 7yo 60.4%, 70cl
A.D. Rattray, A D Rattray
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Islay
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 85745-01
1179 kr
Jura 2007 14yo 50.0%, 70cl
Old Malt Cask, Hunter Laing & Co Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Islands
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 59988-01
1169 kr
Jura 2006 52.2%, 70cl
Berrys Own Selection, Berry Bros & Rudd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Islands
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 56437-01
2169 kr
Jura Sherry Cask 2011 11yo 52.9%, 70cl
The First Editions, Edition Spirits Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Islands
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 85343-01
1318 kr
Kilkerran 12yo 46.0%, 70cl
Kilkerran, Mitchells Glengyle Ltd.
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Campbeltown
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 81800-01
692 kr
Kilkerran 16yo 46.0%, 70cl
Kilkerran, Mitchells Glengyle Ltd.
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Campbeltown
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 56262-01
1032 kr
Kilkerran 20th Anniversary 2007 17yo 58.5%, 70cl
Kilkerran, Mitchells Glengyle Ltd.
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Campbeltown
Nr: 84888-01
1448 kr
Kilkerran Bourbon Cask 8yo 55.6%, 70cl
Kilkerran, Mitchells Glengyle Ltd.
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Campbeltown
Systembolagets tillfälliga sortiment
Nr: 10275-01
798 kr
Kilkerran Heavily Peated Batch 10 57.8%, 70cl
Kilkerran, Mitchells Glengyle Ltd.
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Campbeltown
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 84109-01
799 kr
Kirkwall Bay 46.0%, 70cl
Carn Mor, Morrison Scotch Whisky Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Orkney
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 80052-01
650 kr
Knockdhu 2009-05-06 12yo 53.9%, 70cl
A.D. Rattray, A D Rattray
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 55594-01
1091 kr
Knockdhu 2012 11yo 57.0%, 70cl
A.D. Rattray, A D Rattray
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 85712-01
1228 kr
Knockdhu 2012 58.4%, 70cl
Berrys Own Selection, Berry Bros & Rudd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 85918-01
1229 kr
Knockdhu 2006 17yo 46.0%, 70cl
Hepburn's Choice, Langside Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 85361-01
1428 kr
Kurinji 46.0%, 70cl
Amrut , Amrut Distilleries Limited
Single Malt Whisky - India
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 53301-01
1248 kr
Lark Cask Strength 58.0%, 50cl
Lark Distillery, Lark Distillery
Single Malt Whisky - Australien
*** Kommande produkt. Priset ej fastställt och datum för säljstart är ännu inte klart! ***
Nr: CB098003
1473 kr
Lark Distillers Selection 46.0%, 70cl
Lark Distillery, Lark Distillery
Single Malt Whisky - Australien
Kan beställas via Systembolagets Privatimport (OBS: Priset kan skilja)
Nr: CB098006
1316 kr
Lark Distillers Selection Rum Finish 46.0%, 50cl
Lark Distillery, Lark Distillery
Single Malt Whisky - Australien
Kan beställas via Systembolagets Privatimport (OBS: Priset kan skilja)
Nr: CB098004
1081 kr
Lark Renaissance 40.0%, 70cl
Lark Distillery, Lark Distillery
Single Malt Whisky - Australien
Kan beställas via Systembolagets Privatimport (OBS: Priset kan skilja)
Nr: CB098005
1120 kr
Lark Single Cask Port 43.0%, 70cl
Lark Distillery, Lark Distillery
Single Malt Whisky - Australien
Kan beställas via Systembolagets Privatimport (OBS: Priset kan skilja)
Nr: CB098007
1424 kr
Ledaig 1997-03-24 24yo 58.2%, 70cl
Blackadder Raw Cask, Blackadder International
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Isle of Mull
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 51920-01
5295 kr
Ledaig 2005-02-03 18yo 53.5%, 70cl
Single Malts of Scotland, Elixir Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Isle of Mull
Systembolagets beställningssortiment
Nr: 84481-01
2358 kr
Ledaig 1995 45.9%, 70cl
Berrys Own Selection, Berry Bros & Rudd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Isle of Mull
Nr: 51382-01
3340 kr
Ledaig Sherry Butt 2006-10-05 16yo 55.2%, 70cl
Single Malts of Scotland, Elixir Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Isle of Mull
Systembolagets beställningssortiment
Nr: 84561-01
2378 kr
Ledaig Sherry Cask 2009 53.5%, 70cl
Berrys Own Selection, Berry Bros & Rudd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Isle of Mull
Nr: 85038-01
1959 kr
Ledaig Sherry Finish 2009 15yo 58.1%, 70cl
Berrys Own Selection, Berry Bros & Rudd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Isle of Mull
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 84163-01
1957 kr
Ledaig Wine Finish 1996-Feb 27yo 47.7%, 70cl
Maltman / Grainman, Meadowside Blending Co. Ltd.
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Isle of Mull
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 85488-01
3196 kr
Linkwood 2010 52.5%, 70cl
Berrys Own Selection, Berry Bros & Rudd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Nr: 85470-01
1339 kr
Linkwood 2012 10yo 48.0%, 70cl
Artist, La Maison de Whisky
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 59739-01
1148 kr
Linkwood (The Awakening) 13yo 53.3%, 70cl
Brave New Spirits, Brave New Spirits Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Nr: 84000-01
1258 kr
Linkwood Sherry Cask 2009 15yo 54.4%, 70cl
Adelphi, Adelphi Distillery Limited
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment
Nr: 84239-01
1388 kr
Linkwood Sherry Finish 2010 14yo 52.0%, 70cl
Berrys Own Selection, Berry Bros & Rudd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Nr: 84637-01
1679 kr
Lochindaal (Bruichladdich) 2010 59.8%, 70cl
Berrys Own Selection, Berry Bros & Rudd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Islay
Nr: 54087-01
2793 kr
Lochlea 2018 5yo 59.2%, 70cl
Adelphi, Adelphi Distillery Limited
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Lowland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment
Nr: 84187-01
1348 kr
Longmorn 2014 6yo 47.5%, 70cl
Carn Mor, Morrison Scotch Whisky Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Nr: 55677-01
813 kr
Longmorn 2013-11-19 8yo 62.9%, 70cl
A.D. Rattray, A D Rattray
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
*** Kommande produkt. Priset ej fastställt och datum för säljstart är ännu inte klart! ***
Nr: CB025425
1261 kr
Longmorn 2013 10yo 61.7%, 70cl
A.D. Rattray, A D Rattray
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 84449-01
1296 kr
Longmorn 1992 32yo 49.9%, 70cl
Adelphi, Adelphi Distillery Limited
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 84173-01
9765 kr
Macduff 2011 10yo 47.5%, 70cl
Carn Mor, Morrison Scotch Whisky Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 54446-01
852 kr
Macduff 2007-Apr 14yo 50.0%, 70cl
Old Malt Cask, Hunter Laing & Co Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Nr: 53966-01
1078 kr
Macduff 2013-09-18 8yo 65.6%, 70cl
A.D. Rattray, A D Rattray
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 58861-01
1091 kr
Macduff Sherry Cask 2009 13yo 47.5%, 70cl
Carn Mor, Morrison Scotch Whisky Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 55701-01
1138 kr
Maltman Blended Malt 1999-nov 22yo 46.5%, 70cl
Maltman / Grainman, Meadowside Blending Co. Ltd.
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Islands
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 85328-01
1548 kr
Mannochmore 2006-10-17 16yo 54.5%, 70cl
Single Malts of Scotland, Elixir Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment
Nr: 84856-01
1388 kr
Mannochmore Parcel 5 2009 11yo 48.0%, 70cl
Single Malts of Scotland, Elixir Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment
Nr: 84559-01
848 kr
Millstone American Oak 10yo 43.0%, 70cl
Zuidam, Zuidam Distillers BV
Single Malt Whisky - Holland
Nr: 85705-01
956 kr
Millstone American Oak 43.0%, 70cl
Zuidam, Zuidam Distillers BV
Single Malt Whisky - Holland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 84605-01
659 kr
Millstone American Oak 1996 27yo 41.5%, 70cl
Zuidam, Zuidam Distillers BV
Single Malt Whisky - Holland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 84702-01
5596 kr
Millstone French Oak 10yo 40.0%, 70cl
Zuidam, Zuidam Distillers BV
Single Malt Whisky - Holland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 85706-01
966 kr
Millstone Heavily Peated Sherry Cask 2019 46.0%, 70cl
Zuidam, Zuidam Distillers BV
Single Malt Whisky - Holland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 84436-01
988 kr
Millstone Moscatel Finish 2010 46.0%, 70cl
Zuidam, Zuidam Distillers BV
Single Malt Whisky - Holland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 84459-01
1039 kr
Millstone Olorosso Sherry Cask 46.0%, 70cl
Zuidam, Zuidam Distillers BV
Single Malt Whisky - Holland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 84514-01
758 kr
Millstone Peated American Oak 43.0%, 70cl
Zuidam, Zuidam Distillers BV
Single Malt Whisky - Holland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 51812-01
598 kr
Millstone Peated PX Cask 46.0%, 70cl
Zuidam, Zuidam Distillers BV
Single Malt Whisky - Holland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 85838-01
678 kr
Millstone Peated Rivesaltes Cask 2019 3yo 46.0%, 70cl
Zuidam, Zuidam Distillers BV
Single Malt Whisky - Holland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 51235-01
798 kr
Millstone Peated Tawny Port 2018 5yo 46.0%, 70cl
Zuidam, Zuidam Distillers BV
Single Malt Whisky - Holland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 85162-01
918 kr
Millstone Peated White Port Cask 2018 46.0%, 70cl
Zuidam, Zuidam Distillers BV
Single Malt Whisky - Holland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 56122-01
798 kr
Millstone PX Sherry Cask 2016 7yo 46.0%, 70cl
Zuidam, Zuidam Distillers BV
Single Malt Whisky - Holland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 84442-01
1058 kr
Miltonduff 2011 10yo 47.5%, 70cl
Carn Mor, Morrison Scotch Whisky Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Nr: 54382-01
843 kr
Miltonduff 1982-sep 40yo 50.4%, 70cl
Adelphi, Adelphi Distillery Limited
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 85206-01
8596 kr
Miltonduff 2007 11yo 55.8%, 70cl
Berrys Own Selection, Berry Bros & Rudd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 85198-01
1278 kr
Miltonduff 2009 9yo 43.0%, 70cl
Artist, La Maison de Whisky
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Nr: 83607-01
849 kr
Miltonduff (An Eerie Silence) 13yo 53.0%, 70cl
Brave New Spirits, Brave New Spirits Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 84912-01
1385 kr
Miltonduff Rum Cask 2011 12yo 47.5%, 70cl
Carn Mor, Morrison Scotch Whisky Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 85548-01
1095 kr
Miltonduff Sherry Cask 2015 6yo 47.5%, 70cl
Carn Mor, Morrison Scotch Whisky Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 59341-01
915 kr
Miltonduff Sherry Cask 2009 13yo 50.0%, 70cl
Old Malt Cask, Hunter Laing & Co Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Nr: 85968-01
1329 kr
Miltonduff Sherry Finish 2009-07-06 12yo 58.5%, 70cl
A.D. Rattray, A D Rattray
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 58880-01
1241 kr
Miltonduff Sherry Finish 2007 16yo 54.6%, 70cl
A.D. Rattray, A D Rattray
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 85684-01
1569 kr
Mortlach 1989 33yo 48.0%, 70cl
Adelphi, Adelphi Distillery Limited
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 85311-01
9939 kr
Mortlach Sherry Butt 1989 33yo 52.9%, 70cl
Old & Rare, Hunter Laing & Co Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 56535-01
13997 kr
Nagahama Heavily Peated 2018-07-04 61.9%, 50cl
Nagahama, Nagahama Distillery
Single Malt Whisky - Japan
Nr: 56389-02
2644 kr
Nagahama Heavily Peated 2018-07-05 61.2%, 50cl
Nagahama, Nagahama Distillery
Single Malt Whisky - Japan
Nr: 56392-02
2638 kr
Nagahama Sauternes Cask 2018-01-11 53.0%, 50cl
Nagahama, Nagahama Distillery
Single Malt Whisky - Japan
Nr: 54137-02
2899 kr
Nagahama The First Batch 50.0%, 50cl
Nagahama, Nagahama Distillery
Single Malt Whisky - Japan
Nr: CB182013
Nagahama The Second Batch 2019 50.0%, 50cl
Nagahama, Nagahama Distillery
Single Malt Whisky - Japan
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 85786-02
2149 kr
Neidhal 46.0%, 70cl
Amrut , Amrut Distilleries Limited
Single Malt Whisky - India
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 56298-01
1133 kr
Ninkasi Whisky Chardonnay Cask 46.0%, 70cl
Ninkasi, Ninkasi Fabriques
Single Malt Whisky - Frankrike
Nr: 50132-01
695 kr
Ninkasi Whisky Small Batch 2019-04 46.0%, 70cl
Ninkasi, Ninkasi Fabriques
Single Malt Whisky - Frankrike
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 51017-01
879 kr
Oc5 59.8%, 50cl
Elements of Islay, Elixir Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Islay
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 85634-02
1785 kr
Oc6 58.1%, 50cl
Elements of Islay, Elixir Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Islay
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 80161-02
2252 kr
Okayama Single Malt 40.0%, 70cl
Japanese Whisky,
Single Malt Whisky - Japan
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 50006-01
1748 kr
Okayama Triple Cask 43.0%, 70cl
Japanese Whisky,
Single Malt Whisky - Japan
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 50560-01
1897 kr
Old Man of Hoy 2005-06-02 19yo 59.0%, 70cl
Blackadder Raw Cask, Blackadder International
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Orkney
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 84397-01
2896 kr
Omar Bourbon Cask 46.0%, 70cl
Omar, Nantou Distillery
Single Malt Whisky - Taiwan
Nr: 86774-01
845 kr
Orkney 2007 63.5%, 70cl
Berrys Own Selection, Berry Bros & Rudd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Orkney
Nr: 85931-01
1641 kr
Orkney 2008 58.1%, 70cl
Berrys Own Selection, Berry Bros & Rudd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Orkney
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 85150-01
1559 kr
Peat Reek 46.0%, 70cl
Blackadder Generic, Blackadder International
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Islay
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 81253-01
926 kr
Peat Reek Embers Rum Finish 8yo 57.0%, 70cl
Blackadder Raw Cask, Blackadder International
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Islay
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 85423-01
1469 kr
Peat Reek STR Cask 10yo 57.9%, 70cl
Blackadder Raw Cask, Blackadder International
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Islay
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 50858-01
1429 kr
Peat Reek STR Cask 10yo 58.4%, 70cl
Blackadder Raw Cask, Blackadder International
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Islay
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 85395-01
1498 kr
Pittyvaich Sherry Cask 1990 33yo 44.2%, 70cl
Old & Rare, Hunter Laing & Co Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 85663-01
5498 kr
Pl3 60.3%, 50cl
Elements of Islay, Elixir Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Islay
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 86345-02
1405 kr
Pl4 61.2%, 50cl
Elements of Islay, Elixir Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Islay
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 84151-02
1407 kr
Pl5 63.1%, 50cl
Elements of Islay, Elixir Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Islay
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 85223-02
1118 kr
Pl6 55.3%, 50cl
Elements of Islay, Elixir Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Islay
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 81781-02
1446 kr
Port Askaig 8yo 45.8%, 70cl
Port Askaig, Elixir Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Islay
Nr: 83331-01
732 kr
Port Askaig 45yo 40.8%, 70cl
Port Askaig, Elixir Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Islay
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 59183-01
21666 kr
Port Askaig 12yo 45.8%, 70cl
Port Askaig, Elixir Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Islay
Kan beställas via Systembolagets Privatimport (OBS: Priset kan skilja)
Nr: CB101021
751 kr
Port Askaig 8yo 45.8%, 70cl
Port Askaig, Elixir Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Islay
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 85442-01
815 kr
Port Askaig 17yo 50.5%, 70cl
Port Askaig, Elixir Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Islay
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 85930-01
1629 kr
Port Askaig Cask Strength 59.4%, 70cl
Port Askaig, Elixir Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Islay
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 85739-01
998 kr
Port Ellen (Eidolon) 1982 40yo 60.2%, 70cl
Old & Rare, Hunter Laing & Co Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Islay
Systembolagets tillfälliga sortiment, slutlevererad.
Nr: 41675-01
58649 kr
Port Ellen Sherry Cask Magnum 1982 33yo 58.3%, 150cl
Old & Rare, Hunter Laing & Co Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Islay
Nr: 84130-06
47782 kr
Pulteney 2011 9yo 47.5%, 70cl
Carn Mor, Morrison Scotch Whisky Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 53264-01
800 kr
Pulteney 2011 11yo 47.5%, 70cl
Carn Mor, Morrison Scotch Whisky Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 55051-01
1058 kr
Pulteney 2002-Sep 18yo 50.0%, 70cl
Old Malt Cask, Hunter Laing & Co Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 53995-01
2041 kr
Pulteney 2002-Sep 19yo 50.0%, 70cl
Old Malt Cask, Hunter Laing & Co Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 58143-01
2201 kr
Pulteney 2002 21yo 59.0%, 70cl
The First Editions, Edition Spirits Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment
Nr: 84652-01
2878 kr
Pulteney Sherry Cask 2008 12yo 43.0%, 70cl
Artist, La Maison de Whisky
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 50311-01
1000 kr
Red Snake 128 Heavily Peated 59.4%, 70cl
Blackadder Raw Cask, Blackadder International
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 51115-01
1229 kr
Red Snake RN150 11yo 58.6%, 70cl
Blackadder Raw Cask, Blackadder International
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland
Nr: 84375-01
1129 kr
Red Snake RN154 8yo 60.6%, 70cl
Blackadder Raw Cask, Blackadder International
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 84368-01
1248 kr
Rosebank Enchantment 21yo 50.3%, 70cl
Single Malts of Scotland, Elixir Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Lowland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 53855-01
17970 kr
Royal Brackla 2014-02-17 8yo 57.9%, 70cl
A.D. Rattray, A D Rattray
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 58856-01
1301 kr
Royal Brackla 2008 52.6%, 70cl
Berrys Own Selection, Berry Bros & Rudd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 85312-01
1349 kr
Royal Brackla 2011 12yo 57.2%, 70cl
The First Editions, Edition Spirits Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment
Nr: 84445-01
1448 kr
Royal Brackla 2011 11yo 46.0%, 70cl
Hepburn's Choice, Langside Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Nr: 85436-01
948 kr
Royal Brackla Sherry Cask 2011-Jun 10yo 54.1%, 70cl
Maltman / Grainman, Meadowside Blending Co. Ltd.
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
*** Kommande produkt. Priset ej fastställt och datum för säljstart är ännu inte klart! ***
Nr: CB017081
1030 kr
Royal Brackla Sherry Cask 2009 14yo 58.1%, 70cl
The First Editions, Edition Spirits Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Nr: 85671-01
1618 kr
Ruadh Mhor (Glenturret) 2010-03-12 12yo 59.1%, 70cl
A.D. Rattray, A D Rattray
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 57516-01
1378 kr
Ruadh Mhor Sherry Cask 2012 8yo 47.5%, 70cl
Carn Mor, Morrison Scotch Whisky Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 54451-01
920 kr
Sakurao 2019 3yo 62.0%, 70cl
Berrys Own Selection, Berry Bros & Rudd
Single Malt Whisky - Japan
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 84165-01
1657 kr
Scarabus 46.0%, 70cl
Scarabus, Hunter Laing & Co Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Islay
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 85822-01
648 kr
Scarabus 10yo 46.0%, 70cl
Scarabus, Hunter Laing & Co Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Islay
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 85941-01
759 kr
Scarabus Batch Strength 57.0%, 70cl
Scarabus, Hunter Laing & Co Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Islay
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 50556-01
677 kr
Secret Speyside (Adventures In The Meadow) 13yo 54.7%, 70cl
Brave New Spirits, Brave New Spirits Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Nr: 84910-01
1385 kr
Secret Speyside Sherry Cask 1993-jan 30yo 45.2%, 70cl
Maltman / Grainman, Meadowside Blending Co. Ltd.
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 55849-01
4285 kr
Sherry Snake 57.3%, 70cl
Blackadder Generic, Blackadder International
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 84787-01
1238 kr
Shizuoka Contact S 55.5%, 70cl
Single Malt Whisky - Japan
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 58893-01
2321 kr
Shizuoka Still K 55.5%, 70cl
Single Malt Whisky - Japan
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 84022-01
3257 kr
Shizuoka Still K Japanese Barley 55.5%, 70cl
Single Malt Whisky - Japan
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 84318-01
4198 kr
Shizuoka Still W Imported Barley 55.5%, 70cl
Single Malt Whisky - Japan
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 84391-01
3149 kr
Shizuoka United S 50.5%, 70cl
Single Malt Whisky - Japan
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 84360-01
2579 kr
Smögen 2012 10yo 61.0%, 50cl
Blackadder Raw Cask, Blackadder International
Single Malt Whisky - Sverige
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 84236-02
2397 kr
Smögen 2013 10yo 58.1%, 70cl
Adelphi, Adelphi Distillery Limited
Single Malt Whisky - Sverige
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 85409-01
2497 kr
Speyburn Sherry Cask 2007 16yo 58.3%, 70cl
The First Editions, Edition Spirits Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment
Nr: 84645-01
1748 kr
Spirit of Yorkshire Moscatel Cask 2018 5yo 48.0%, 70cl
Adelphi, Adelphi Distillery Limited
Single Malt Whisky - England
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 85439-01
1438 kr
Springbank 1991 31yo 49.3%, 70cl
Old & Rare, Hunter Laing & Co Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Campbeltown
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 58594-01
34149 kr
St George 43.0%, 70cl
American Whiskey,
Single Malt Whisky - USA
Kan beställas via Systembolagets Privatimport (OBS: Priset kan skilja)
Nr: CB032090
1000 kr
St Kilian Chestnut Cask 2019-02-27 60.0%, 70cl
Blackadder Raw Cask, Blackadder International
Single Malt Whisky - Tyskland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 84235-01
1698 kr
Staoisha (Bunnahabhain) 2014-Oct 8yo 52.5%, 70cl
Maltman / Grainman, Meadowside Blending Co. Ltd.
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Islay
Nr: 85652-01
1095 kr
Stauning Nordic Casks 2017 58.9%, 70cl
Berrys Own Selection, Berry Bros & Rudd
Single Malt Whisky - Danmark
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 52043-01
1861 kr
Strathmill 2013-01-16 11yo 61.2%, 70cl
Blackadder Raw Cask, Blackadder International
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 84179-01
1588 kr
Stronachie 10yo 43.0%, 70cl
A.D. Rattray, A D Rattray
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 84431-01
600 kr
Talisker Sherry Cask 2011 11yo 50.0%, 70cl
Old Malt Cask, Hunter Laing & Co Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Skye
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 50490-01
2359 kr
Talisker Sherry Cask 2011-Aug 11yo 50.0%, 70cl
Old Malt Cask, Hunter Laing & Co Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Skye
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 55812-01
2398 kr
Talisker Sherry Cask 2011 11yo 50.0%, 70cl
Old Malt Cask, Hunter Laing & Co Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Skye
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 85360-01
2486 kr
Tamdhu 2013 10yo 65.0%, 70cl
A.D. Rattray, A D Rattray
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 85077-01
1228 kr
Tamdhu (Lure of The Sirens) 17yo 50.1%, 70cl
Brave New Spirits, Brave New Spirits Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Nr: 84454-01
1558 kr
Tamdhu Sherry Butt 2013 62.9%, 70cl
Berrys Own Selection, Berry Bros & Rudd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 85116-01
1238 kr
Tamdhu Sherry Cask 2007-apr 16yo 50.0%, 70cl
Old Malt Cask, Hunter Laing & Co Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment
Nr: 84686-01
1578 kr
Tamdhu Sherry Cask 2007 16yo 59.8%, 70cl
The First Editions, Edition Spirits Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment
Nr: 84762-01
1648 kr
Tamnavulin 2009 13yo 47.5%, 70cl
Carn Mor, Morrison Scotch Whisky Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 53553-01
1099 kr
Tamnavulin 2009 15yo 47.5%, 70cl
Carn Mor, Morrison Scotch Whisky Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets tillfälliga sortiment.
Nr: 41711-01
1129 kr
Tamnavulin 2008 52.8%, 70cl
Berrys Own Selection, Berry Bros & Rudd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 85922-01
1678 kr
Teaninich 2007-02-28 16yo 57.8%, 70cl
A.D. Rattray, A D Rattray
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 55776-01
1688 kr
Teaninich 2007-09-28 15yo 55.6%, 70cl
Single Malts of Scotland, Elixir Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment
Nr: 84261-01
1197 kr
Teaninich European Oak 2013 9yo 47.5%, 70cl
Carn Mor, Morrison Scotch Whisky Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 55734-01
929 kr
Teaninich Sherry Butt 2016 6yo 47.5%, 70cl
Carn Mor, Morrison Scotch Whisky Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 85510-01
918 kr
Teaninich Sherry Butt 2014 10yo 58.3%, 70cl
Adelphi, Adelphi Distillery Limited
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment
Nr: 84838-01
1228 kr
Teaninich Sherry Cask 2012 9yo 47.5%, 70cl
Carn Mor, Morrison Scotch Whisky Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 55685-01
871 kr
Teerenpeli Nordic Casks 2013 59.9%, 70cl
Berrys Own Selection, Berry Bros & Rudd
Single Malt Whisky - Finland
Nr: 51999-01
2068 kr
Thy Nordic Casks 2019 57.6%, 70cl
Berrys Own Selection, Berry Bros & Rudd
Single Malt Whisky - Danmark
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 52898-01
1949 kr
Togouchi Single Malt 43.0%, 70cl
Togouchi, Chugoku Jozo Juu Inc.
Single Malt Whisky - Japan
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 56395-01
950 kr
Tormore Peated Cask 2011 9yo 47.5%, 70cl
Carn Mor, Morrison Scotch Whisky Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 53298-01
761 kr
Tullibardine 2010 12yo 55.1%, 70cl
A.D. Rattray, A D Rattray
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 85339-01
1298 kr
Tullibardine 15yo 43.0%, 70cl
Tullibardine Distillery, Tullibardine Distillery
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 50175-01
878 kr
Tullibardine 18yo 43.0%, 70cl
Tullibardine Distillery, Tullibardine Distillery
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 84931-01
1178 kr
Tullibardine 225 Sauternes Finish 43.0%, 70cl
Tullibardine Distillery, Tullibardine Distillery
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 85413-01
719 kr
Tullibardine 228 Burgundy Finish 43.0%, 70cl
Tullibardine Distillery, Tullibardine Distillery
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 85650-01
719 kr
Tullibardine 500 Sherry Finish 43.0%, 70cl
Tullibardine Distillery, Tullibardine Distillery
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets fasta sortiment.
Nr: 85023-01
400 kr
Tullibardine Custodian 1973 41.2%, 70cl
Tullibardine Distillery, Tullibardine Distillery
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 84903-01
27379 kr
Tullibardine Sovereign 43.0%, 70cl
Tullibardine Distillery, Tullibardine Distillery
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 85407-01
679 kr
Tullibardine The Murray 2008 56.1%, 70cl
Tullibardine Distillery, Tullibardine Distillery
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Nr: CB043028
Tullibardine The Murray CNDP 2008 46.0%, 70cl
Tullibardine Distillery, Tullibardine Distillery
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets tillfälliga sortiment.
Nr: 85098-01
879 kr
Tullibardine The Murray Port Finish 2008 46.0%, 70cl
Tullibardine Distillery, Tullibardine Distillery
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets tillfälliga sortiment, slutlevererad.
Nr: 41261-01
790 kr
Vital Spark Rum Finish 11yo 55.8%, 50cl
Maltman / Grainman, Meadowside Blending Co. Ltd.
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Islay
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 84972-02
928 kr
Vital Spark Sherry Finish 2009-May 14yo 58.7%, 50cl
Maltman / Grainman, Meadowside Blending Co. Ltd.
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 85344-02
997 kr
White Peak Wine Cask 2019 5yo 57.8%, 70cl
Adelphi, Adelphi Distillery Limited
Single Malt Whisky - England
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 84393-01
1368 kr
White Peak Wire Works 2018 60.9%, 70cl
Berrys Own Selection, Berry Bros & Rudd
Single Malt Whisky - England
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 85176-01
1849 kr
Whitlaw 2014 7yo 47.5%, 70cl
Carn Mor, Morrison Scotch Whisky Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Orkney
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 57010-01
900 kr
Whitlaw Sherry Cask 2013 10yo 47.5%, 70cl
Carn Mor, Morrison Scotch Whisky Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Orkney
Nr: 85566-01
1052 kr
Williamson (Laphroaig) 2013 8yo 47.5%, 70cl
Carn Mor, Morrison Scotch Whisky Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Islay
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 54381-01
971 kr
Williamson (Laphroaig) 2013 9yo 47.5%, 70cl
Carn Mor, Morrison Scotch Whisky Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Islay
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 51618-01
1079 kr
Williamson (Laphroaig) Sherry Cask 2015 9yo 47.5%, 70cl
Carn Mor, Morrison Scotch Whisky Distillers
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Islay
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 84390-01
1219 kr
Williamson Marsala Finish 2010 13yo 53.7%, 70cl
A.D. Rattray, A D Rattray
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Islay
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 84680-01
2098 kr
Zeppelin Bend 45.0%, 75cl
American Whiskey,
Single Malt Whisky - USA
Kan beställas via Systembolagets Privatimport (OBS: Priset kan skilja)
Nr: CB032126
1939 kr
Beställning / Kundvagn
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Slutet av januari och början av februari. Det är väl då vi brukar ha det som kallast. Här i Stockholm är det idag cirka 1 grad plus medans det i norr är tvåsiffrigt minus. Snö har vi inte heller. Så nu får det gärna bli vår lite kvickt.

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