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About Clydesdale AB in English

Clydesdale AB is an entrepreneur driven company that is based on the simple idea of searching out those special product that offer a bit extra.

In the today's highly competitive pub, bar and restaurant market you need to be able to offer something that excites the customer. Clydesdale AB can help you do just that by offering you those extra special products. In our selection you will find products which many of your customers have as there absolute favourites but didn't think they could find in Sweden.

Clydesdale AB will continue to develop the culture for well aged spirits in Sweden through showing how much more exciting and varied tastes are offered by quality products. Whether you are a consumer, collector, or restaurateur we are certain you will be able to find the products you are looking for in our selection.

Business Plan:
Clydesdale will develop the drinking culture in Sweden. Through our wide selection and extensive knowledge on aged spirits we will promote our idea that such products should be enjoyed in moderation for its great taste rather than drunk in volume for the sake of its alcohol. Clydesdale AB will take seriously its responsibility in promoting moderate consumption of alcohol and work to ensure that the underaged do not drink alcohol.

Clydesdale AB will give both private people and restaurants alike a drink experience that is rather out of the ordinary. By working only with the best bottlers and producers of aged spirits we are able to offer a selection that is second to none.

Our selection is constantly changing because we offer a wide selection of different products, most of which are bottled only in very small and exclusive quantities. For restaurants, bars and pubs we are able to take orders and deliver direct. For the private customer we regret that we can only deliver via Systembolaget because of the monopoly situation that exists for private customers in Sweden. However, we are able to offer our non alcohol products for direct mail-order sale to the private customer.

We are proud to offer our products and will be pleased to arrange exclusive tastings from this selection.
Contact us if you are interested in arranging a whisky tasting, or any other of our products.

If you have any special requirements, whether as a restaurateur or as a private person please also do not hesitate to contact us with your requests. We will gladly do our best to help fulfill your wishes.

Beställning / Kundvagn
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Nyhetsbrev 2024-223
Dags för färgglädje
September. Dags för hösten att göra entré med sina svala och krispiga mornar. Dagarna blir kortare och kvällarna lite mysigare. Det är dags att se över vad som skall njutas av i glasen och för många av oss är det en god och spännande whisky som gäller.

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I och med Brexit 2021-01-01 så har distansförsäljning blivit annorlunda och paket kommer att fastna i tullen.
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