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Meadowside Blending

Meadowside Blending Company Ltd. (The home of the Maltman) is a family firm based in Glasgow, Scotland.
The firm offer an excellent range of fine single malt Scotch whiskies, as well as fine blended Scotch whisky for all tastes and budgets.
Meadowside Blending was launched by Donald Hart and his son Andrew , and even though the firm is young, the family has great history in the Industry. Donald can trace his origins in the licensed trade back to the late 19th century when the family were licensed victuallers.
Donald started working with whisky in 1964, buying and selling casks and building up good relationships with distilleries throughout Scotland.
Donald went on to bottling his own blended whisky using the excellent selection of casks he had acquired.
Over 50 years ,Donald has become an expert at nosing and selecting great casks and this expertise is now being passed on to his son Andrew.
Andrew joined the family whisky business straight from school and went on to learn from his father all aspects of the industry.
Personal service and dedication to the pursuit of excellence guarantees our selections will excite whisky connoisseurs’ world wide.
As independent bottlers Donald and Andrew are able to remain impartial and only put their name to the best quality of whiskies available.
They personally nose, taste, and select each cask to make sure it is bottled for your drinking pleasure and over 50 years Donald has certainly learnt how to select great casks.
The jewel in the crown is the Maltman range, which is fast becoming renowned for offering rare and exciting single malts. In the last year we have received a Double Gold Medal for the Maltman Mortlach 15 year old cask in 2014, and a Gold for the Maltman Ben Nevis 21 year old from the San Francisco Spirits challenge 2013.


Varumärken producerade av Meadowside Blending

Alla buteljeringar från The Maltman är single cask-utgåvor utan tillsats av sockerkulör eller kylfiltrering. Vi gillar att hålla vår whisky naturlig, så som den var när den lämnade fatet, med allt det goda; oljor, fetter och proteiner, så att vi kan erbjuda er en dram med enastående aromer, textur och framför allt, smak.
Detta är aktuellt sortiment tillgänligt via Systembolaget eller direkt från vårt lager.
A Secret Islay 2007-Nov 14yo 55.9%, 70cl
Maltman / Grainman, Meadowside Blending Co. Ltd.
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Islay
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 58746-01
1500 kr
Ardmore 2008-Jul 13yo 51.5%, 70cl
Maltman / Grainman, Meadowside Blending Co. Ltd.
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 55196-01
1080 kr
Ardmore 2010-maj 14yo 54.1%, 70cl
Maltman / Grainman, Meadowside Blending Co. Ltd.
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 84813-01
1358 kr
Ben Nevis 1998-Oct 24yo 46.6%, 70cl
Maltman / Grainman, Meadowside Blending Co. Ltd.
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 56592-01
2849 kr
Caol Ila 2014-Jan 7yo 54.1%, 70cl
Maltman / Grainman, Meadowside Blending Co. Ltd.
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Islay
Nr: 57082-01
1087 kr
Caol Ila 2016-jun 8yo 53.9%, 70cl
Maltman / Grainman, Meadowside Blending Co. Ltd.
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Islay
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 84835-01
1018 kr
Dailuaine Sherry Butt 2009-jul 14yo 53.1%, 70cl
Maltman / Grainman, Meadowside Blending Co. Ltd.
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 84971-01
1398 kr
Glen Mosset (Benromach) 2013-sep 11yo 54.6%, 70cl
Maltman / Grainman, Meadowside Blending Co. Ltd.
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 84837-01
1228 kr
Glenallachie 2008-Jun 14yo 52.8%, 70cl
Maltman / Grainman, Meadowside Blending Co. Ltd.
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Nr: 85237-01
1568 kr
Glenlossie Sherry Cask 1997-Feb 26yo 47.6%, 70cl
Maltman / Grainman, Meadowside Blending Co. Ltd.
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Nr: 85232-01
2998 kr
Invergordon Sherry Butt 1990 33yo 45.1%, 50cl
Maltman / Grainman, Meadowside Blending Co. Ltd.
Single Grain Whisky - Scotland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 84967-01
1698 kr
Ledaig Wine Finish 1996-Feb 27yo 47.7%, 70cl
Maltman / Grainman, Meadowside Blending Co. Ltd.
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Isle of Mull
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 85488-01
3196 kr
Maltman Blended Malt 1999-nov 22yo 46.5%, 70cl
Maltman / Grainman, Meadowside Blending Co. Ltd.
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Islands
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 85328-01
1548 kr
Royal Brackla Sherry Cask 2011-Jun 10yo 54.1%, 70cl
Maltman / Grainman, Meadowside Blending Co. Ltd.
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Highland
*** Kommande produkt. Priset ej fastställt och datum för säljstart är ännu inte klart! ***
Nr: CB017081
1030 kr
Secret Speyside Sherry Cask 1993-jan 30yo 45.2%, 70cl
Maltman / Grainman, Meadowside Blending Co. Ltd.
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Speyside
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 55849-01
4285 kr
Staoisha (Bunnahabhain) 2014-Oct 8yo 52.5%, 70cl
Maltman / Grainman, Meadowside Blending Co. Ltd.
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Islay
Nr: 85652-01
1095 kr
Vital Spark Rum Finish 11yo 55.8%, 50cl
Maltman / Grainman, Meadowside Blending Co. Ltd.
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Islay
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 84972-02
928 kr
Vital Spark Sherry Finish 2009-May 14yo 58.7%, 50cl
Maltman / Grainman, Meadowside Blending Co. Ltd.
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland
Systembolagets beställningssortiment.
Nr: 85344-02
997 kr
Beställning / Kundvagn
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Vintern är .... splittrad.
Slutet av januari och början av februari. Det är väl då vi brukar ha det som kallast. Här i Stockholm är det idag cirka 1 grad plus medans det i norr är tvåsiffrigt minus. Snö har vi inte heller. Så nu får det gärna bli vår lite kvickt.

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