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Ardnahoe Distillery

When Stewart Laing and his sons andrew and Scott formed Glasgow-based Hunter Laing & co. Ltd as a blender and bottler of scotch whisky in 2013, they knew it was finally time to also realise their long-held ambition of making their own whisky.
With a family background in the whisky business dating back to 1940s when Stewart´s father founded his own blending and bottling company, Stewart´s own experience in the industry dating back well over 50 years and whisky stocks from all around Scotland carefully acquired over 6 decades - they had a strong foundation from which to build.

With a strong affinity for Islay and a reverence for its distinctive, peated malt whiskies, there was no doubt that the fabled Whisky Isle had to be the site for their own distillery.
In 2015 they located the perfect four-acre site by Loch Ardnahoe on the Northeast of the island, with access to the deep loch waters, and having purchased the ground and secured planning permission ground was broken for Islay´s 9th distillery in late 2016.
First runs of distillation began in October 2018 with Cask number 001 filled on the 9th of November that year. The realisation of a dream, and the beginning of an exciting journey.


Eventuella bilder kan erhållas i högupplösning. Kontakta Clysedale AB.
Pressrelease Ardnahoe - Bygglov 2016-09-22 pdf 395kb
Pressrelease Ardnahoe Distillery 2016-01-20 pdf 227kb
Ardnahoe Distillery
Några produkter från Ardnahoe Distillery
Ardnahoe Inaugural
Ardnahoe Distillery
SB: 41704-01 879kr
Detta är aktuellt sortiment tillgänligt via Systembolaget eller direkt från vårt lager.
Ardnahoe Inaugural 50.0%, 70cl
Ardnahoe Distillery, Hunter Laing & Co Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Islay
Systembolagets tillfälliga sortiment.
Nr: 41704-01
879 kr
Ardnahoe Infinite Loch 50.0%, 70cl
Ardnahoe Distillery, Hunter Laing & Co Ltd
Single Malt Whisky - Scotland, Islay
Systembolagets tillfälliga sortiment
Nr: 10416-01
798 kr
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Nyhetsbrev 2024-226
Det lackar mot jul.
Snart är det dags för jul och för många är det en chans att ta det lite lugnare och umgås med familj och vänner under trevliga former. Kanske behöver vi detta mer än någonsin detta år då det har varit stökigt runt om oss på så många sätt.

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